My Year Round Garden Planner Downloadable Printable for gardening lovers!
Looking for a garden planner to make life and gardening easier and more enjoyable? Do you love gardening or know someone who does?
Gardening is a rewarding way of bringing life to a space. Good results are truly a reward for all your hard effort. With gardening there is a plan to be made and things you need to know before you start and as you go, and My Garden Planner will help you along the way.
Plan for your spring garden now! Plan your gardening work, track your tasks and stay organized all in one place while keeping your garden beautiful with this awesome year round garden planner journal.
An organized gardener is a happy gardener. No more scraps of paper all over the place or distant and vague memories of what worked or didn’t work in the garden or flower beds last year.
My Garden Planner makes an awesome gift for you, mom, dad, grandma, sister or even kids who are beginning to create their own patch of garden. Treat yourself today or buy it as a gift for a friend or loved one.
My Garden Planner is the ultimate planner for garden care and organization. And better yet, it’s undated. Therefore, you won’t have to buy a new planner each year. Use this one-time purchase as your go to planner to organize your gardening year after year. It really is perfect :).
Designed with features that are important to gardeners in this printable 30 page 8.5 x 11 inch garden planner including :
-Plant wishlist
-Seed packet information worksheet
-Seed starting record
-Daily (1) weekly (1) , and monthly (12)To Do lists
-Garden Layout planning worksheet
-Garden Layout Notes worksheet
-Garden Sketches worksheet
-Weekly watering schedule
-Problems and Treatment tracker
-Compost tracking sheet
-Seed packet envelopes
-Notes worksheet
-Photos worksheet
-Flower container ideas worksheet
-Window box ideas worksheet
There are some pages you may want to print more than one copy of. Print what you feel is necessary. For example, the Weekly Planner sheet you will want to print out a copy for each week you will be actively working in your garden. Same as for the Garden Daily To Do List. You may want to make several copies of the Seed Envelopes sheet if you save your own seeds.
My Garden Planner is designed so you can customize it to suit your own needs. For example, if you don’t start or plant seeds, just leave that section out. If you don’t save your own seeds, leave the seed envelope section out.
Of course you can print the planner out on your home printer, but another great option is to have it printed at your local office supply store. I know with Staples you can send the file over to them via their online site and then pick it up later that day. I used their Same Day Pickup/ Simple Print option . If you didn’t want to use a binder you could choose a heavier paper to give those pages a little bit of extra sturdiness.
You could also have the office supply store bind the planner for you in a booklet form.
I use an inexpensive ½” 3-ring binder so sheets can be added and removed at will.
The second page in My Garden Planner are side strips in different sizes (depending on your binder size) for slipping behind the plastic on the spine of the binder. There are four different binder spine sizes : 1”, 1 1/4”, 1 1/2 and 1 3/4 inch.
If you use a binder you can use the cover (title) page to slip behind the plastic on the front.

This is a Digital PDF that you can print out either at home or your local office supply store. No physical product will be sent.
I don’t accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations. But please contact me if you have any problems with your order.

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