Looking for ideas for 10 minute retreats for busy women? Have never ending responsibilities taken the fun out of your days? Are you more stressed than at peace? Taking 10 minute retreats in your busy day can refresh your soul.
These are powerful self care ideas to treat stress and calm yourself. Pamper yourself into wellness with little indulgences throughout your day. You can turn these into daily 10 minute habits that will change your life.
As women we need to be proactive with intentional living and take time to slow down in our busy lives. Women’s wellness is about establishing daily habits that include self care, because you can’t pour from an empty cup.
Enjoy these self care ideas through 10 minute retreats for busy women by adding simple pleasures to your day.
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Treat Yourself to Breakfast in Bed
Keep it as simple as possible because the whole idea is to spend time relaxing in bed rather than cooking in the kitchen. Prepare yourself some in-season fresh fruit topped with yogurt or cream. Add to that some sparkling fruit flavoured water. This is an innocent pleasure that will revive your spirit and soul.
10 minute retreats for busy women

Take time to Meditate
To meditate simply means to focus on something to the point that you are oblivious to outside distractions and the passing of time. Meditate on things that are good and true. To meditate is to listen to the still small voice of the Creator that speaks words of love, direction and encouragement to us. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen said,”Prayer begins by talking to God, but it ends by listening to Him.”

Find Tranquility in Nature
The simple beauty of a sunset, the softness of a rose petal, the fragrance of a flower. Take time to see the beauty in creation. Somehow the beauty of nature holds our attention but doesn’t demand anything in return. For lots of inspiration from the beauty of nature, check out my Pinterest Spring inspiration aesthetic board and be sure to follow me as I post more inspiration from nature.
10 minute retreats for busy women

Have a Cup of Tea
Teatime creates an intentional pause in our day. Treat yourself to a quiet break in the day by having tea alone. Add some soothing background music or a favorite book and retreat from the world for a few moments. Find teatime inspiration on my Pinterest tea board.

Breathe Deeply a Soothing Scent
Enjoy the healing and restoring properties of fragrance. Research has shown that our sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger than our other 4 senses. Try sprinkling your favorite essential oil on a cotton handkerchief and pulling it out during the day, breathing in fully, deeply and slowly to refresh yourself.
10 minute retreats for busy women

A cheerful heart does good like medicine(Proverbs 17:22). When you laugh your brain releases endorphins and a lot of other powerful antidepressant biochemicals that lead to an overall feeling of well-being. Instead of waiting for laughter to happen, be intentional about adding humour into your day. Put together a personal humour survival kit and fill it with jokes, funny books, and anything that will get you laughing. Check out my Humour Pinterest board if you need a smile or a chuckle.

Take a Slow Leisurely Walk Outdoors
As you walk with an unhurried stride, intentionally quiet your mind and slow your breathing. You’re more able to notice the details around you as you slow down- the scents, the sounds. Or to beat the winter blues, visit a greenhouse and soak in the sights and scents.

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